
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل

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129770 مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

It is things sharp in the day of Eid, as follows:

مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

What to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
1 sacrifice they year when the majority of scholars; also provided in the Opinion No.: 6216.
2 for anyone who wants to sacrifice Sunnah for him to stay away from eating so eat of the sacrifice; also provided in the advisory opinion: 13910.
3 wear new clothes for those who can; as stated in Opinion No.: 20398.

4 Eid prayers they year uncertain when Maalikis and Shaafa'is Unlike other view that it is obligatory; also in Opinion No.: 29328

مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
What to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

For منهيات we do not know things specializes forbidding them this day only fast, it was stated many scholars consensus on the prohibition of fasting, and the Muslim must beware of some of the things forbidden that you may abound in the day of Eid Kalasrav in food or drink or clothing or listen to what is forbidden listen to him such as singing or fall into the mixing between men and women, and these things always prohibited. For more information, see the fatwas the following numbers: 1930, 5555, 3539.
And Allah knows best.

مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: What to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

بارك الله فيكى
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : قصرالاحلام

افتراضي رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : هبه شلبي

افتراضي رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

جزاكي الله كل خير
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ضــي القمــر

افتراضي رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : fatma7072

افتراضي رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays

رد: مايجب فعله فى الاعيادWhat to do and what isn bypassing the holidays
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ريموووو

الساعة الآن 02:54 AM

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