
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word
With accurate translation
The second part
قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية
بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)
Islamic scholar al-Sayyuti said: "The best explanation of fitrah is that it is the Sunnah (way) of all of the Prophets which is in agreement with (all of) the revealed Laws, indicating that it is a response to naturally created inclinations."

The Unseen

Literally means "something new". In Islam, refers to that which is attributed to the Prophet (saaws) as regards words, actions or tacit approval, physical features and characteristics

Permissible, lawful

Prohibited, illegal


Good or acceptable. Used to indicate authenticity of some reports

Literally means Concealing, screening, protecting and is used to refer to the mandatory dress of the muslim, male or female. (Plural is hujub)
The root word of hijab is hajaba and that means: hajb (to veil), cover, screen, ****ter, seclude (from), to hide, obscure (from sight), to make imperceptible, invisible, to conceal, to make or form a separation (a woman), to disguise, masked, to conceal, hide, to flee from sight, veil, to veil, conceal, to cover up, become hidden, to be obscured, to vanish, to become invisible, disappear from sight, to veil, to conceal, to withdraw, to elude perception. Hajb: seclusion, screening off, keeping away, keeping off

cover, wrap, drape, a curtain, a woman's veil, screen, partition, folding screen, barrier


Concealment, hiddenness, seclusion, veildness, veiling, purdah


concealed, hidden, veiled

Means migration. The Hijrah refers to the Prophet's migration from Mecca to Madinah. This journey took place in the twelfth year of his mission (622 C.E.). This is the beginning of the Muslim calendar. The word hijrah means to leave a place to seek sancturary or freedom from persecution or freedom of religion or any other purpose. Hijrah can also mean to leave a bad way of life for a good or more righteous way.
The limits ordained by Allah. This includes the punishment for crimes
A jinn and shaytaan (satan)

To break the fast

Deity, lord, god



Submission to Allah's Will
Has two meanings:
Ascribing a
hadeeth back to the one who said it - connecting the chain of narration, and

The chain of narrators which reaches back to the **** - which is the same as "as-sanad"

Rose over - very important to understand in con**** of the ayat
Extreme ignorance (jahl) and disbelief. Often used to describe the era that preceeded the revelation of the Qur'an, and ignorance in general.
To fight and kill in the path of Allah, the enemies of Allah, for the cause of Allah. It can also be used to mean to strive in the path of Allah.
A loose-fitting garment covering the entire bo dy, so that the shape of the woman is not defined but hidden, including covering the head, face, and hands. (Plural is Jalabib)
Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) relates:
"Women used to room about without Cloaks (Jilbaabs) and men used to see their faces and hands, but when the verse stating 'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over themselves.' (
Surah Al-Ahzaab,V.59) was revealed, then this was prohibited and women were ordered to wear the Jilbaab. ...The word Jilbaab means a sheet which Ibn Masood (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) explained as a cloak covering the entire **** including the head, face and hands. Therefore, it is not permissible for the women to reveal the face and hands in public. [Ibn Taymiyyah's book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 also in the book Hijaab Page # 15]

A creation of Allah made from smokeless fire. They are also invited to accept Islam and will have to give account of their deeds on the Day of Judgement
A square stone building in Al-Masjid-al-Haram (the well-known mosque at Makka) . Muslims line up in prayer facing towards this direction.

Disbelievers in Allah in His Oneness and in His Messenger Muhammad

Disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, in Al-Qadar (Divine Preordainments, good or bad), etc.

A person who chooses to follow the later generations of Muslims as opposed to the early ones
A speech or sermon. It is sometimes used to refer to the sermon given during the Friday congregational prayer.

Wound round and lost its light and is overthrown
Dirty, false, evil vain talk

Way, school of thought, direction, manner, mode. A muslim should not follow a madhdhab when it contradicts clear proof in Quran and Sunnah.

Lord, Helper, Protector, Supporter, Patron


A male, whom a woman can never marry because of close relationship (e.g. a brother, a father, an uncle etc.); or her own husband
A place designated for salah. Called "Mosque" in English.

Methodology, e.g. methods, rules, system, procedures.

Good-doer, i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allah's sake only without any show off or to gain praise or fame etc., and in accordance with the Sunna of Allah's Messenger Muhammed

Wrong, evil-doing, sins, polytheism, disbelief, etc.
Polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the ONeness of Allah, those who worship others along with Allah, and also those who set up rivals with (or partners to) Allah, swt, etc.
Those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)
Literally means "succession, consecutive." Islamically refers to hadith which is narrated by such a large number of people that it is impossible (Allahu Alim) that they have invented a lie. Its conditions :
That it be narrated by a large number of people. Scholars differ about the actual number required
That this number is found in every level of the isnaad
That it is impossible that they could have gathered together upon a lie
Pious and righteous persons who fear Allah swt much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which Allah has ordained).
Additional,optional practice of worshipprayers
A face cover that is in an affixed position, i.e. a
face veil
Decree, Preordainment of Allah's Will. One of the five pillars of Islam.

Prayer Direction (for Muslims, it is to face the Ka'ba)

That which is narrated to us from the Prophet (saaws) from his Lord, the Exalted and Mighty.
The difference between it and the Qur’aan - The most obvious differences are: As for the Qur’aan, then its meaning and wording is from Allaah and the hadeeth qudsee, its meaning is from Allaah and its wording from the Prophet (saaws).
The Qur’aan is recited in Prayer as part of worship, but the hadeeth qudsee is not.
The Qur’aan is all mutawaatir and the hadeeth qudsee does not have to be.
Compilations of ahaadeeth qudseeyyah: "al-Ittihaafaatus-Saniyyah bil Ahaadeethil Qudseeyyah" - `Abdur-Ra’oof al-Manaawee, which contains 272 hadeeth

Deeds of charity done in Allah's (swt) cause

Companions of the Prophet

Literally means "Sound, healthy." Islamically it refers to the following:
The hadithwhose isnaad is connected through "just" (‘adl) and precise (daabit) narrators from beginning to end, not being shaadhdh or having a hidden defect (‘illah).
The five conditions : ittisaalus- sanad - - That its isnaad is connected. That every one of its narrators heard it directly from the person he is narrating from, from the start of the isnaad to the end.
- - That all of its narrators are ‘adl (just); i.e. Muslim, Of age (baaligh), Sane (‘aaqil), Not an open sinner (faasiq), and not having bad manners and habits (makhroomul maroo.ah).

3) That all of its narrators are daabit (precise), which is of two kinds:


- (precision of the heart) - that he memorises it correctly and transmits it as he heard it and that he understands it if he is reporting its meaning.

Literally means "those (from history) who precede, have gone before".

السلف الصالح

The people of the past,nam ely the first three generations of pious muslims during and after the revelation of the Qur'an, i.e.the Sahabah (companions) of the Prophet,
saaws , the Taabi'een (followers) and the Taabi Taabi'een (followers of the followers).

Islam teaches that As-Salaf as-Saalih (or "Salaf" as sometimes referred to in short),are superior in their understanding of the Revelation of Al-Qu'ran. Generally speaking, the people present during any event (such as the revelation of the Quran) will understand it better than those who read about it later. The Prophet,

saaws, said: "I am leaving you two things and you will never go astray as long as you cling to them -- they are the Book of Allah and my Sunnah." [Reported by Al- Haakim - Sahih].

"The best of people is my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them (i.e. the first three generations of Muslims)."[Reported by Bukhari and Muslim- Mutawaatir].
"My Ummah will not unite upon error."[Reported by at-Tirmidhee and Haakim - Sahih]
Means "of the salaf". The "i" (sounds like "ee") on the end of the word means "of the", "of" and/or "are". The word "salafi" can only be used in association with words that are of things that are truly from the far past, and in this case (when refering to Islamic matters) are truly from the first three generation of pious muslims, or those who came after them, but who are still in the far past to us today.
دعوة سلفية
An english transposition of "dawah salafi". In Arabic, the noun comes before the adjective; in English, the adjective comes first.
مسلم سلفي
There is no such thing as a "salafi muslim" (muslim of the salaf) in today's time. In order to be a salaf, you had to live during the first 3 generations during and/or after the revelation of the Qur'an. To make a sunnah out of calling yourself a salafi muslim is to state that 1) you are of the first three generations of pious muslims after the revelation of the Qur'an and 2) you have potential for division into a sect. One may use the word "Salafi Muslim" but not make a sunnah/tradition out of it, as though it is a required part of the religion.
Those who adhere to dawat-us-salafiyyah best describe themself as a "Muslim" whose minhaj (methodology/system) is Qur'an and Sunnah and madhdhab (way) is that of the salaf

السلام عليكم
Peace be unto you. The greeting between Muslims. Not to be initiated to say to a non-Muslim.
رابط الجزء الاول

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation part One قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الأول)

An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

رد: An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

افتراضي رد: An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)

رد: An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation The second part قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الثاني)
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ام سيف 22

قد تكوني مهتمة بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
An Islamic dictionary that includes some Islamic word With accurate translation part One قاموس إسلامي يضم بعض الكلمات الإسلامية بترجمة دقيقة مع التفصيل(الجزء الأول) أم أمة الله اللغة الانجليزية English

الساعة الآن 10:47 AM

جميع المشاركات تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها وليس بالضرورة وجهة نظر الموقع

التسجيل بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل